Old Boys Golf Day

John Bathurst, an Old Tauntonian, has emailed with details of the 2013 Old Bournemouthian / Old Tauntonian Golf Day on 23rd May. John writes:

I won’t go deeply into the history (you probably know anyway) but sufficient to say that the OBs and the Old Tauntonians hold a joint golf day each year.

It started 19 years ago when the two associations met to contest The Hemmings Cup that was once competed for in athletics. Over the years the format has changed and we now meet to play three simultaneous competitions – The OB Seniors Trophy, The OT John Rush Trophy and The Pomeroys Cup for the best score of the day.

I’m an Old Tauntonian but have come to regard the OB players as my dear friends…. and I run the day (that’s run rather than ruin, I hope) on behalf of both associations.

Further details and an entry form are available here (Word format).

If you enter please send an email to the OB golf secretary Alan Carver so he can monitor OB entries. Please include your email address and telephone number when contacting him.

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