Dissolution of the Old Bournemouthians Association

On 6th October the AGM for the Old Bournemouthians’ Association was held. Unfortunately although the Committee was able to elect a Chairman and a Treasurer the position of Secretary remains vacant and so therefore we could not elect a committee to continue running the Association.

Despite frequent previous appeals to the general membership for new blood and new ideas, the most recent being at the Annual Dinner, those present were the ‘old faithfuls’ who have been attending these meetings for many years, but are now either no longer in a position to or willing to go on swimming against the tide in trying to keep the Association running.

It was decided to write to the membership in one last attempt to resolve the situation and call an EGM for 25th November at 7:30pm, provisionally to be held at the West Hants Tennis Club, where unless others are willing to take on responsibility for it’s running, the Association in its present form will be wound up. A decision will also be made on the night as to whether the 2011 dinner will be held.

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