The BS125 Project

The school has just celebrated its 124th birthday, and with that launched a project to celebrate the 125th anniversary, in January 2026. 

The school intends to mark the occasion by assembling a gallery of “faces of Bournemouth School”. All former students and staff are encouraged to participate. The hope is that there will be an online gallery of faces representative of all those who have passed through the school’s doors in the last 125 years. By clicking on an image, you will then reveal a short biography of that individual and read the memories that they have of their time at the school.

The school is encouraging as many as possible to submit their photographs, biographies and memories. Families of former students and staff who are no longer with us may also wish to make submissions on their behalf.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the project is warmly invited to visit the school’s BS125 project.

Lecture Theatre Appeal

September 2014 marks the 75th Anniversary of Bournemouth School occupying the East Way site. In the intervening years much has changed, but the pressure on the school’s accommodation and funding has remained. The school is now launching a 75th Anniversary Appeal with the intention of raising £75,000 by next September to refurbish the Lecture Theatre. Any donations would be gratefully received (cheques should please be made payable to ‘Bournemouth School Fund’) and sent to the school address.