Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, Tuesday 25 June

A note from the Membership Secretary, Mr Graham Jones:

There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting of the association committee and members at Bournemouth School on Tuesday 25th June 2024 at 7pm.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the proposed winding up of the Old Bournemouthians Association.

Please indicate if you wish to attend, preferably by email. Minutes of the Committee Meeting are also available by email. Please let me know if you want them.

Further context, also from Graham:

… for the past several years the OB’s has only existed as a dinner society, organising a re-union dinner once a year. With the ageing of the membership and a lack of recent leavers joining the Association, to say nothing of the effects of Covid, the numbers attending the dinner has declined dramatically, though there is the possibility of the school organising such an event in their new catering premises.

The committee has also dwindled in size with only five or six stalwarts attending committee meetings or AGMs. There is the possibility of us merging with the school’s alumni society, but the Association would need to have each member’s individual permission to pass on personal data.

The EGM will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 25 June 2024, at Bournemouth School, East Way, Bournemouth (enter by the left hand door, at the church end).

2022 Association Dinner

Our 2022 Annual Reunion Dinner is scheduled for Saturday November 12th at The Highcliff Marriott Hotel, West Cliff, Bournemouth, starting at 7pm to be seated for 7.30pm. Tables of up to ten can be organised here.

The cost is £32.00 per member and £35.00 per non-member and the preferred method of payment is by bank transfer to Old Bournemouthians’ Association: Sort Code 20-11-39, Account Number 10339636. Please enter your surname followed by 22 as a reference.

If you are unable to access this link then please book directly with Ian Underwood, our Dinner Secretary, at [email protected]. Once again we have decided to open the event so that members may bring spouses/partners if they wish and we would appreciate early bookings so that we can organise seating. Dress is either black tie or lounge suits.

Our speaker is yet to be confirmed.

2021 Association Dinner

We have decided to organise our Annual Reunion Dinner for Saturday November 20th at The Highcliff Marriott Hotel, West Cliff, Bournemouth, starting at 7pm to be seated for 7.30pm. As always we are very pleased to extend an invitation for a Representative Member of the Old Tauntonians to join us as our guest, thus keeping the connection between the two schools alive, despite the fact that Tauntons shared our premises over 80 years ago.

The cost is £32.00 per member and £35.00 per non-member and the preferred method of payment is by bank transfer to Old Bournemouthians’ Association: Sort Code 20-11-39, Account Number 10339636. Please enter your surname followed by 21 as a reference. Tables of up to ten can be organised via the following link:

If you are unable to access this link then please book directly with Ian Underwood, our Dinner Secretary, at [email protected]. Once again we have decided to open the event so that members may bring spouses/partners if they wish and we would appreciate early bookings so that we can organise seating. Dress is either black tie or lounge suits.

Our confirmed speaker this year is our former Chairman of Old Bournemouthians and former Chairman of School Governors, David Sidwick, who is now the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner and we all look forward to hearing of his reminiscences of his time at School. We also look forward to hearing about some of the challenges his new role has brought.

2020 Dinner Cancelled

It is with regret that we have decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Dinner due to concerns related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

We have however set a date for the 2021 Dinner which will be held at the Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel on Saturday 20th November 2021. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

News of Old Bournemouthians

A new initiative is to post a periodic “News of OB’s” section to keep the Association and its members up-to-date, so please, dear alumnus, get in touch!

The type of information we’d like to share is: careers, locations, degrees / qualifications, family, news of other OB’s, dates & memories at school, etc. All generations of alumni are encouraged to contribute!

Below are extracts from the 1913 and 1974 editions of The Bournemouthian (clearly pupils didn’t have Christian names until the seond half of the Twentieth Century). Sadly the practice of publishing OB news died along with the magazine in the early 2000s, but hopefully this can be changed.

2019 Dinner Booking Now Available

It’s best to organise a table of your friends/contemporaries together (max. ten / table), so please spread the word amongst those of your year group who you’re still in touch with!

The Dinner will be on 15th November at the Highcliff Marriott Hotel. Please return with payment by 31st October. All details to be found in the form above.

Reminder: September Rugby Fixture

Sunday 8th September, 11:00, on the East Way playing fields.

All are invited to the inauguration of this event, in which two teams of OB’s will play a game of football followed by a game of rugby. There will be a BBQ and soft drinks available, but please feel free to bring along your own refreshments, alcoholic or otherwise!

The purpose of the event is to raise money for new school sports kits and to encourage the growth of the Old Bournemouthians’ Association.

The PE Dept. have already been organising the teams; spread the word so we have good attendance and a great day, with the view to hosting more events like this in the future!

September Rugby Fixture

Save the date! On Sunday 8th September 2019, the Old Bournemouthians’ Association will be hosting a rugby and football event between two teams of Old Boys. There will be a BBQ and marquee set up on the East Way playing fields from 11:00.

We are hoping to establish this as an annual event which shall attract more and more OB’s each year. All are welcome – get in touch with your old school friends and come along to support the event!