Dissolution of the Old Bournemouthians Association

On 6th October the AGM for the Old Bournemouthians’ Association was held. Unfortunately although the Committee was able to elect a Chairman and a Treasurer the position of Secretary remains vacant and so therefore we could not elect a committee to continue running the Association.

Despite frequent previous appeals to the general membership for new blood and new ideas, the most recent being at the Annual Dinner, those present were the ‘old faithfuls’ who have been attending these meetings for many years, but are now either no longer in a position to or willing to go on swimming against the tide in trying to keep the Association running.

It was decided to write to the membership in one last attempt to resolve the situation and call an EGM for 25th November at 7:30pm, provisionally to be held at the West Hants Tennis Club, where unless others are willing to take on responsibility for it’s running, the Association in its present form will be wound up. A decision will also be made on the night as to whether the 2011 dinner will be held.


Graham Keeling has found and scanned this photograph of everyone in Bournemouth School at on 31st May 1946.

Bournemouth School Panorama, May 1946

Graham writes: “They possibly did a photograph like this every few years, because I remember having one taken in about 1994ish, when I was there. It was taken on the field in front of the copse. I didn’t get a copy.”

A full version of the picture can be viewed at Graham’s site.

2010 Pre-Dinner Golf Trophy

A year on – come and show us you can improve on that score from last year! To all you past players in this event, I look forward to our annual meet-up. You know the drill but here are a few reminders and a welcome to new OBA folks who I hope will join us on Friday 17th September at Highcliffe Castle Golf Club, near Christchurch.

This is an 18-hole Stableford competition with full handicap. No handicap certificate will be asked for and if you do not hold one then please do not be too generous! This event is open to all regular golfers as well as the occasional, casual player – so please let me have your entries (and cheques) soon.

The Highcliffe Course takes around 3 hours for a playing round (slow play will not happen this year, please!) Playing a shorter course than one of Championship length, should give us time for a chat and trophy/prizes presentation at the end. As a reminder and for our newcomers, please look at the Club web site, where you can see the course and golf club etiquette/rules regarding dress code. There are showers at the club, so you may want to bring a towel.

Start times will be around 8 minutes difference ( but could be speeded up) with first off at 11 am so please let me know your preferred time and I will do my best to allocate as close as possible.

Depending on numbers entering, then each match will be a 3 or 4 ball so if there were around 20/24 players then last off should be around noon. Please get to the course at least 30 minutes before your start time. Good catering at the Club and I recommend the all day breakfast.

Unfortunately Highcliffe Castle does not allow buggies except for anyone with a disabled certificate and brings their own buggy. Please let me know if this applies. However it is a flat course and usually takes about 3/3.5 hours to navigate so no problem with a trolley (pull or electric) or if you carry.

The green fee is £26 for which I need a cheque ( payable to Alan Carver) and then on arrival £2 or £3 (depending on entries) to be paid for the prize kitty which wll be split 50% to the winner and 25% each to runner up and the winner of ‘nearest the pin’.

To secure a place, please send your contacts details, handicap, preferred start time and a cheque for £26 (payable to Alan Carver) to Alan Carver at 1 Osprey Close. Mudeford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 4RX. If you have not had a confirmation of your start time by 12th September, please contact Alan by phone (01202 487011) or email.

Directions to Highcliffe Castle Golf Club Tel. 01425 – 272210- from Sainsbury’s end of Christchurch by pass take road towards Highcliffe -after a mile the course is on your right.

Old Bournemouthian Dinner Report, 2009

This event was without doubt one of the best dinners to date. The format remained consistent with 138 gathering at the Queens Hotel for an evening of convivial entertainment. There was much anticipation regarding the presence of our new OBA President and Headmaster of Bournemouth School – Dr Dorian Lewis.

Following grace said by Mr Bryant Sanders MBE, the audience tucked into Smooth chicken liver parfait followed by roast leg of English lamb and to fill the remaining corners profiteroles with chocolate sauce. There may have been some alcoholic accompaniment also in evidence!

Again about 40 non-members swelled our ranks and it would be great if all attending non-members became member. Staff members in attendance included Mr Lenton, Mr Sanders, Mr Stokoe, Mr Hawkins and Mr Spencer.

The school continues to be in fine fettle according to the real life version of events from the School Captain – Lewis Wedgewood. The highlight of the evening however was the inaugural speech given by Dr Lewis. It was agreed that as headmasters do not change every year that to mark the occasion Dr Lewis would be asked to introduce himself and set out his vision for the school.

He gave an entertaining and commanding talk setting out his values and belief in the Grammar School system. It was clear that the school was in good hands and the audience gave Dr Lewis the respect he deserved.
We were pleased to be joined once again by the Old Tauntonians who as ever enjoyed themselves in the spirit of the event.

The evening closed with the usual popular raffle and the committee would like to thank all those that contributed.

We look forward to this year’s event which will be held on September 17th – same time, same place.

Old Boys back from Afghanistan

Kevin Lindsay, who left the School in 2006 having taught there for 5 years and was an Officer in the School’s CCF, writes:

I thought it fittng to mention that there is an article in the Daily Echo today (Saturday 10th April) on page 20, featuring news of three Old Boys, Iain and Nik West (brothers) and Neil Riley who all served in Afghanistan together. They are all back safely after a 6 month tour.

Kevin says that he still follows the success, progress and stories of people I knew and taught at Bournemouth School and very much enjoys the annual COMPO dinners.

Parent’s Association Annual Quiz

Phil Brightwell writes:

In November 2008, we entered a team in the Parents Association Annual Quiz, which was held at the School one Friday night. Our team comprised Neil Bichard, Malick Kudmany, David Bryant, Pat Stokes (I think), my wife Gwen and me – and, possibly, A.N. Other. (Sorry, my memory is not too good at this distance!) In the end, we won from about 12 other teams – by six or seven points, if my memory serves me right, and were rewarded with a bottle of wine each. To add insult to injury (for the other contestants), Dave Bryant won 1st Prize in the Raffle – a magnificent Marks & Spencers’ Christmas Hamper, no less. Before last year’s contest, The Association donated a trophy for this event. Unfortunately, because the 2009 Quiz date clashed with other commitments that Neil Bichard and Dave Sidwick were involved with, and Pat Stokes couldn’t get back from Yorkshire in time, we ended up with a team of just four people – Simon Hird, Bill Brocklesby, Gwen & me. Despite a valiant effort on our part, we lost by a mere one point to a team with about 12 players in it, with a very broad age span. Let’s hope we can win the trophy back, this year.

The Quiz usually happens on a Friday in mid-November – so, if you want to be on our team, keep your eye on the website in early October and let me know of your interest as early as possible. The entry fee is about £6 a head, and that includes a fish-and-chip supper. There is a bar, and soft drinks are available. I look forward to hearing from you budding ‘quizzers’ in due course.

Search for two Old Members 1938-1945

The family of Peter Hull (1938-1945) is very interested in finding their father’s school friends, John F Collins and Geoffrey Turner. Sarah Hull, Peter’s daughter, writes: “Dad’s recently widowed and a bit lonely – would be great if these two ‘boys’ might still be around.” If you have any information on the whereabouts of these two Old Boys please let us know and we will pass it on to Sarah.

Harold Windebank passes away

Grahm Jones draws this notice, from a Rotary newsletter, to my attention:

Rotarian Harold Owen Windebank died on 15 October, aged 93 and had been a loyal member of our Club for 36 years. He was born in Bournemouth, educated at Bournemouth School, living in the Town Centre – Christchurch Rd, then Kinson, then Canford Cliffs and spent his last years in the Isle of Wight with his daughter & family at Brading. His brother Colin died at 24 in the Normandy D-Day landings and Harold served in the RN Reserves mostly in Cardiff dealing with Minesweepers.

He was a great sportsman to the end of his life a member of Parkstone Golf Club – with a record 3 holes in one, a member of the Constitutional Club since 1959, a onetime rugby hooker, a referee, sailor and a member of many other local associations and clubs. Harold set up his successful Bournemouth Insurance Brokers starting on a bicycle, and he was known for his integrity and kindnesses as a true gentleman. His Service of Thanksgiving was conducted by Revd Dr. Ian Terry, directed by Head & Wheble, and eulogy given by his children Carol, Bob & Richard, and grand-children gave various readings. Our thoughts go to the family especially his widow Barbara. The Service concluded with the Voluntary- “We’ll meet again”