Under 14 cricketers from 1944

The picture above was sent in by Len James, who was at Bournemouth School between 1942 and 1947. Len moved to Australia in 1952. He emailed us, saying that he had recently discovered the Old Boys website and was fascinated with the memories of past teachers and fellow scholars.

Len played cricket in the Under 14’s in 1944 and has kept this photo ever since. While he says “the old memory is not so bright these days, and at 81 I am struggling to name all those in the photo” he has still made a sterling effort, below:

Front row (L-R)

  • Len James
  • Peter Close (?)
  • Dougie Sherwood
  • David Tomlinson
  • Gordon Bartlett

Back row (L-R)

  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • Alan Melly
  • Jim Rideout
  • Stuart Chalk

Can anyone fill in the gaps?

Seeking Terry Burwell

John Kerr writes:

I am trying to contact Terry Burwell who would be about 60 years old. Until very recently he was working for the English Rugby Football Union. Terry was a team mate of mine in the 1971 rugby team at Loughborough Colleges. I am trying to organise a reunion of that team and I would very much like to include Terry. If anyone can help with an email address, telephone number or postal address I would be very grateful.

If you have any information, please contact us and I will pass it on.

Update: Now found, thanks!

English Literature teacher

Ms Betty Samuels writes:

I write on behalf of a friend of mine who was a pupil at your school 1939 to 1946. His name is John Douglas Jones who at the age of 80+ is still very active and living in Clifton, Bristol. Doug has only recently had to give up flying his sailplane at the Bristol & Gloucestershire Gliding Club. In the course of a conversation yesterday about schools we attended, Doug said he can remember the names of all his teachers during his time at your school except the name of the English Literature master.

Doug would be interested if anyone might be able to remember this teacher’s name.

Seeking Leonard Guscott

Old Boy Pete Sears is trying to trace Leonard Guscott, born c.1925. He writes:

Len and I were great friends until WW2 separated us. He served most of the war with the R.N. in the West Indies. We lost touch after he emigrated to Canada about 1946. I would be interested to know if anyone remembers him, and to learn about his career in Canada. Naturally, I am wondering if he is still with us!

If you have any information, please let us know.

Minutes of the EGM: Association to survive

Here are the minutes of the EGM held on Thursday 25th November. Attendance was good and the objective of the meeting – gaining new, active members of the Committee – was largely met.

Simon would like to thank all those who attended on the night, and also those who expressed their concerns at the issues facing the Association. As you can see from the notes, the discussion was quite far ranging and touched on many points. Several themes stand out however:

  • The objective of the OBA must be reviewed and confirmed;
  • The relevance of the OBA to potential members must be increased and a less fusty image cultivated;
  • Members must actually do something to keep it alive or it will die. Simon shall not make the efforts to keep it afloat in 12 months time that Simon has done this year.

Dates for the next Committee meeting were mentioned on the night; with Christmas coming up, the first date that would look appropriate would be January 12th 2011. At this meeting we can confirm the dates for the subsequent meetings and the AGM. Unless we hear otherwise, John Underwood and Simon Hird will confirm the venue for the 12th and send out an agenda beforehand.