Reg Turner

We have been contacted by Reginald (“Reg”) Turner, who writes:

Hello from New Zealand. I was a pupil at Bournemouth School from 1952 to 1960. My time at Bournemouth School for Boys, and in the CCF gave me the best education I could ever have or expect. Having gained foreign entry at age 12, with passing the 11 plus exam at that time. I was a young student from a primary school background in the Caribbean Island of Aruba. I was blessed that my parents decided to settle in Bournemouth, and the opportunity to gain entry to this great school of learning.

Now aged 77 and a wealth life adventures, I wish to connect with all my classmates still living from my Bournemouth School years. Please put in your “old boys “network my email with a request to connect with them, after all these years. I regret it has taken me 65 years to contact my school “old boys”. I am now writing my memoirs called “Tales from an Innkeepers Log”.

Reg also provided links to his personal website, and the website of his lodge, on New Zealand’s South Island.

Memories of the Officer Training Corps

We have recently been contacted by Mr P. John Fish, who was at the school between 1942 and 1948. He is enjoying getting into the school’s history in his retirement, and was particularly interested in our 2016 post of the historical role of the school OTC’s cap badge. Mr Fish has been kind enough to type up some of his memories of the school in his time, with a view that it may interest others. Continue reading

Jim Green

We have received the sad news that Life Vice-President Jim Green died on 7 July following a second stroke. Jim was instrumental in the success of the Old Boys 1st XI football team for many years, as well as editing and publishing our twice-yearly newsletter. He was also a school governor for a time and served the school and the Old Bournemouthians for many years.

Should anyone wish to attend, the funeral will be held at 11am on Thursday 27 July at Bournemouth East Cemetery, Gloucester Road. Please note the location is not the Bournemouth Crematorium & Cemetery.

Annual Dinner 2017

Photo of the Marriott Highcliff
This year, we are announcing the date of the Annual Dinner early, to ensure that the date is saved in Members’ diaries. This year we will return to the Marriott Highcliff Hotel, St Michaels Rd, Bournemouth on Friday 22nd September 2017. Diners are requested to arrive at 7pm.
You can book your place for £30.00 per member and £35.00 per non-member by using this online form. Non-members may join the association (£5/year) and take advantage of the members’ rate. Please remember that the dinner is for past pupils and staff (past and present) only.

Obituary: David Hopkinson

Old Boy John Dearing (1957-65) writes:

I have heard today that my contemporary, David Hopkinson who was at Bournemouth School from about 1958-65 has sadly died in Sligo, Ireland. David worked in technical publishing for over 20 years, aspiring at one point to being “Father of the Chapel” but took early retirement some 20 years ago, moving to Ireland in 1994. He was just over 70 at the time of his death.

Member offer: try a Fred. Olsen cruise and save 10%

Cruise ship at seaThe Old Bournemouthians’ Association has teamed up with award-winning Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines to offer OBA members a very tempting 10% discount on their first sailing with the line – and that’s on top of any current offers. Existing Fred. Olsen customers can save 5%, in addition to their 5% loyalty club discount.

To book, please call the Old Bournemouthians booking hotline 0800 0355 108, quoting code BOURNE10. Alternatively, you can validate your membership and claim your discount through this page on Fred. Olsen’s site, which also contains the terms and conditions.

We hope that members considering a cruise will benefit from this arrangement, however, the OBA takes no responsibility for travel booked with Fred. Olsen through this offer or otherwise.

Cover art from The Bournemouthian

Since contacting us last September to let us know that he was relaunching The Bournemouthian, the school newspaper, Ian Westhead has been busy. The paper now lives again, online, with some very impressive and interesting pieces, such as this overview of the school’s finances.

Ian has been in touch to suggest that some Old Boys may be interested in his scans of previous covers of the (print) editions of The Bournemouthian. It certainly brought back memories for this erstwhile editor.

Bernard Walker

Hugh Walker, the son of the late artist, composer and Bournemouth School teacher Bernard Walker has been in touch to share his online tribute to his father’s life. The website has a variety of material from Mr Walker senior’s life, including some of his programme designs and playbills from his time at the school that were found among his papers in 2014.