It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of William Webb, our piano teacher, who died suddenly and unexpectedly just before half term. Mr Webb was a widely respected musician and teacher who inspired his pupils with a love of music and performing. His reputation spread far beyond Bournemouth and he will be sorely missed.
Author Archives: rossjamesparker
John Douglas Jones
John Douglas Jones (1939-46) has written from Clifton in Bristol. He remembers with affection the staff who provided him with a sound grounding for his career in the aircraft industry. He writes:
I moved to Bristol to start my apprenticeship with the Bristol Aeroplane Company and have lived in Bristol ever since. I retired in 1989 having specialised in the design of Composite structures for 35 years. Modern military and Civil aircraft are progresively using increasing volumes of these materials.
I have been a keen sailplane pilot for 60 years and still play an active role in the technical aspects of sailplane operation. I would very much like to hear from anyone who would remember me from the period at school.
Eric Bennett passes away
Former Headmaster Eric Bennett (1957 – 1970) sadly passed away on October 8th 2005, aged 94. He was the third headmaster in the history of the school and oversaw many changes as education developed during the 1960’s, in particular with the rapid expansion in the number of pupils progressing to university. He leaves a widow Ria and sons Anthony and Stephen to whom we send our sincere sympathy.
Urfan Mirza passes away
It was with a sense of shock, disbelief and great sadness that we learnt this morning of the untimely death of Mr. Urfan Mirza who had taught chemistry at the school since 1996. He was only 38. As far as we know he passed way peacefully, having just returned to his family home in Southampton after going jogging. He will be greatly missed by his current pupils and by many previous students who have benefited from his dedication and understanding of his subject for the past 8 years. Our thoughts are with his mother and his sisters.
Congratulations to Rob May (1978-85) and his wife Wendy on the birth of their first child, Morgan John.
Play in the Copse
Old cricket team photo

Back row: Mick Fionda, Paul Oliver, Len Iggulden, Mike 'Walt' Stamp... Henderson, Harry Ridehalgh. Front row: Dave Munt, Don Gardiner, John O'Brien, John Jacobs, Tom Hawkins
Mick Fionda (1947-52) has sent this picture of a Bournemouth School cricket team taken in 1952. “I thought this photograph of 1952 may raise a few laughs with someone, somewhere,” he says.
Bournemouth School: the book

The front cover of the Centenary Book
In preparation for the centenary celebrations, David Hilliam has producing an excellent book looking back over the first 100 years.It runs to 150 pages and has fascinating sections from whichever era you were at Bournemouth School.
Written by former Deputy Head David Hilliam, there is something for everybody, including the School song, a year-by-year chronology of the School, a large sports section written by Mike Webb, a Bournemouth School Quiz, photos of John Hawkins, Bernie Walker, J.J. (Jasper) Dodds and all seven headmasters. There is a fascinating notice of the evacuation of Taunton’s School’s pupils dated August 1939.
These books are now available also from Graham Jones at 30 Wishart Gardens, Muscliffe, Bournemouth BH9 3QZ, for £10 + £2.50 postage.
The first centenary: 100 years of Bournemouth School
The following extract is taken from today’s Bournemouth Daily Echo:
AS BOURNEMOUTH School celebrates its 100th birthday today, teachers and their 1,000 pupils have begun experimenting with state-of-the-art computer facilities and an Internet video-link with schools here and abroad. It’s a stark contrast to the school’s opening day on January 22, 1901, when 54 boys started at their brand new school with its austere classrooms fitted with only blackboards and functional decorations such as maps and charts. The school had just opened in Portchester Road, having been founded by Dr John Roberts Thomson a freeman of the borough who first raised the idea of the school in 1893. Bournemouth School’s first head, Dr Edward Fenwick, took up his post on a salary of £100 per year and remained there until his retirement in 1932. The 1906 prospectus of study, which included natural science, drawing, vocal music, drill and gymnastics alongside history, geography, shorthand and book keeping, is still the foundation of what pupils study today.
A grant of £30,000 from the Wolfson Foundation has enabled the school to buy £50,000 worth of new computers, allowing science pupils to collaborate with professionals around the world on major research projects. Currently French, German and Spanish are the three languages on offer, along with after-school lessons in Italian, Japanese and Mandarin, with Arabic and Portuguese soon to be added. Former pupils of the school, known as Old Bournemouthians recalled a ‘family’ feel to the establishment in the early days.
Among happy recollections is the request to the boys from Captain Scott for a subscription towards the expenses of his South Pole expedition and the subsequent fund-raising which allowed a sleigh dog to be purchased. The ravages of the First World War followed and for the next four years the pages of school newsletter The Bournemouthian were filled with reports of former pupils and staff killed in action. In all, at least 651 young men who had been or were attached to the school served, and 98 of those died, while 95 were wounded. The school’s second headmaster Mr JE Parry took up the reins in 1932. With his daunting educational background he is said in the school’s own centenary publication to have “walked about his school with the charisma of Jove himself”
As war broke out in 1939 the new Bournemouth School site in East Way had been built and through the war years the school became home to evacuated children and rescued soldiers as well as to pupils. It was the 1960s before changes began in earnest. A new dining hall was added, a new physics laboratory, two new classrooms and then in 1960 Bournemouth School for Girls’ opened its new buildings at the bottom of East Way, although boys and girls were discouraged from meeting. Not until the I980s could boys and girls meet each other for 10 minutes each day during the lunch hour without inciting official disapproval.
In 1966 the biggest transformation took place with the building of the sixth form block including a lecture theatre and a library. But disaster struck in May 1973 when the old school hall built in 1939 was destroyed by fire and it was 1975 before a new hall had been built in its place. The school’s status has changed a number of times over the years. Up to 1973 it was ruled by Bournemouth Education Committee, by Dorset County Council from 1974 to 1990 and it had its independence as a grant-maintained school from 1990 to 1999. Bournemouth Borough Council once again had its own education committee in September 1999 and the school became a foundation school with a reconstituted and larger than ever board of governors.
Pupils will be taking a day’s holiday on the school’s birthday as a staff training day has been called. Current head John Grainger who took up his post in 1996 said: “We carry the name of Bournemouth School with a lot of pride we are the school of Bournemouth. “Our new sports hall opened last year and this year our big news is that we have been designated a specialist language college.” Chair of the Old Bournemouthians Jim Green commented: “Bournemouth can be very proud of Bournemouth School. Pupils’ examination results are always high in the national averages and the staff are very approachable and progressive.”