It’s best to organise a table of your friends/contemporaries together (max. ten / table), so please spread the word amongst those of your year group who you’re still in touch with!
The Dinner will be on 15th November at the Highcliff Marriott Hotel. Please return with payment by 31st October. All details to be found in the form above.
Sunday 8th September, 11:00, on the East Way playing fields.
All are invited to the inauguration of this event, in which two teams of OB’s will play a game of football followed by a game of rugby. There will be a BBQ and soft drinks available, but please feel free to bring along your own refreshments, alcoholic or otherwise!
The purpose of the event is to raise money for new school sports kits and to encourage the growth of the Old Bournemouthians’ Association.
The PE Dept. have already been organising the teams; spread the word so we have good attendance and a great day, with the view to hosting more events like this in the future!
About the book: Bournemouth Heroes tells the story of the British Army on the Western Front in Belgium and France, 1914-18. The narrative integrates the experiences of Bournemouthians who took part in these campaigns from the initial battles of August 1914 to the Armistice of 1918 and the occupation of Germany in 1919, and sets out to assess the contribution made by a small and newly-founded boys’ grammar school to the course of the war. As the author reveals, Bournemouth School members were involved in every major battle fought by the British Army on the Western Front. There, they were involved in all of the many developments of the war, including the first use of poison gas, of flamethrowers, and of tanks. These included boys who managed to serve despite being under-age, with some paying the ultimate price for their bravery.
Having established the membership of the
school from its foundation in 1901, the author began eighteen years of research
using school records; a range of local newspapers from the period; files held
at the National Archives, and elsewhere; information offered by contacts made
through the school and through on-line forums; and through on-line archives
from various Commonwealth countries. He identified 1,125 members of the school
to investigate, and 674 members of the school who served, though by no means
only on the Western Front. Over one hundred of them were killed, and many more
The book will be of interest not only to military historians, but also to anyone with an interest in Bournemouth, Bournemouth School, and the families from Hampshire, Wiltshire, and Dorset whose lives were changed so dramatically by participation in the events of the war.
Save the date! On Sunday 8th September 2019, the Old Bournemouthians’ Association will be hosting a rugby and football event between two teams of Old Boys. There will be a BBQ and marquee set up on the East Way playing fields from 11:00.
We are hoping to establish this as an annual event which shall attract more and more OB’s each year. All are welcome – get in touch with your old school friends and come along to support the event!
We’ve been informed of the death of Ray Hunt (BS 1946-52). His funeral will be on Monday 11th March, 11.30 am, at the Church of the Holy Saviour, Bitterne.
Gordon Prosser (BS 1944-1951) has written to inform us of the death of his old friend Eddie Rapley, who died on Friday 18th January. In recent years, Eddie was living in Basingstoke.
The School has now secured the funds to begin refurbishment and expansion in order to accommodate a rise from 150 to 180 students per yeargroup. Read the full Daily Echo article here.
35th Bournemouth Leader David Winson has submitted this update on the School’s scout troop.
The Troop is well and active, having invested 13 new recruits last week and having another three expressing interest. The strength of the Ship’s Company is well in excess of 24 Scouts.
The Group is now meeting on Friday evenings at the School Scout Hut until the first week in April, when we shall switch back to our summer boating site on the Iford River at Perch Pool.
We were a key participants in the town’s Remembrance Service commemorating 100 years since the end of the First World War.
In District events, the Troop participated in the RN Football Competition at HMS Bristol, which culminated in the semi-finals only to be knocked out on penalty shootouts.
The 35th Leaders continue a highly successful boating programme that includes pulling, kayaking, sailing and power boating.
Former Troop Leader Bob Cudmore has willingly accepted the role of Leader in the Explorer Scouts Unit and shall encourage the senior Scouts to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
We are one of only 101 Royal Navy recognised Sea Scout groups and have an inspection by a Royal Navy Flag Officer every 18 months. We were praised for our professionalism and dedication on the last inspection. High standards of uniform, training and attendance are maintained. The Royal Navy scheme is beneficial in allowing the Group access to military sites, visits to naval warships and entry to national swimming galas, camps and football matches. These are organised by the Royal Navy units and give our Scouts the opportunity to experience life as a naval rating aboard warships.
Many of our Scouts have gone on to become leading pillars in the community, including a Royal Navy Commander and a Police Commissioner. The depth and variety of activities that scouting provides often opens up new horizons to our members. Our Group operates very much in a traditional way and many of our older Explorer Scouts help our younger members by passing down their knowledge and experience.
We are a volunteer-led organisation and are always on the look out to broaden our skills and resources, so more adults would be a great bonus to the growing leadership of the Troop.
If you wish to contact me as the Group Scout Leader, feel free to do so on 07783907008 or by email [email protected].