Mr. E. G. Bennett (1957-1970)

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  1. Headmaster E G Bennett came to Bournemouth School from Bemrose School, Derby, where, as Headmaster from September 1951 to July 1957, he certainly left his mark. A strict disciplinarian with ambitions for Bemrose School and its pupils, he ‘moved the school on’ with reforming zeal and boundless energy. A private man in many ways, he divided opinion with regard to his style of ‘man management’, and his interrogation skills remain imprinted on many an Old Bemrosian’s memory to this day. He features strongly in the recently published book Bemrose School, Derby: the grammar school years, two copies of which were gifted to Bournemouth School in May of this year, so that those former members who are curious to know more about this man’s earlier years as a Headmaster are in a position to have their curiosity satisfied.

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