Obituary: Tony Jordan

John Hubbard, convenor of The Chips Club of retired Bournemouth School staff, writes with the sad news that Tony Jordan, another staff member, died in June. We understand that he was coming up to 74, and he had been suffering from Parkinson’s for a number of years.

John says: “I am sure that there will be many members of the OBA that will have the fondest of memories of him and his dynamic presence over his years at the school, and may want to remember him in their own way through your website. He was a wonderfully warm and energetic colleague.”

That is certainly true in my case, as Mr Jordan was an inspiration for me and many of my cohort. I remember particularly his motto, passed to us as we left school for work or university life. It was this:

You have time. But you do not have a lot of time. You have time to do everything you wish for. But you do not have time to waste.

This momento mori has stuck with me, and seems poignant today.

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