2022 Association Dinner

Our 2022 Annual Reunion Dinner is scheduled for Saturday November 12th at The Highcliff Marriott Hotel, West Cliff, Bournemouth, starting at 7pm to be seated for 7.30pm. Tables of up to ten can be organised here.

The cost is £32.00 per member and £35.00 per non-member and the preferred method of payment is by bank transfer to Old Bournemouthians’ Association: Sort Code 20-11-39, Account Number 10339636. Please enter your surname followed by 22 as a reference.

If you are unable to access this link then please book directly with Ian Underwood, our Dinner Secretary, at [email protected]. Once again we have decided to open the event so that members may bring spouses/partners if they wish and we would appreciate early bookings so that we can organise seating. Dress is either black tie or lounge suits.

Our speaker is yet to be confirmed.

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