Many of you will remember the long-standing school magazine, The Bournemouthian. Did you know that there have been no new issues since 2003? Ian Westhead, a current member of the Sixth Form, writes:
Recently, I discovered an extensive archive in the library containing, along with a plethora of other documents, all issues of The Bournemouthian. I was dismayed to realise there had not been a copy published since 2003 owing to the departure of Mr Rixon, an old English teacher who edited it (who has subsequently returned).
There is, however, good news:
I, along with a few friends who share my interest in the history and happenings of Bournemouth School, have decided to get The Bournemouthian back on its feet – to resurrect it. We’ve been discussing the content and the logistics of it, and it seems The Bournemouthian will live again!
To help this rebirth, Ian would like contributions of any information, anecdotes and chiefly pictures that could feature in some of the new copies. Ian is particularly interested in the development of the school buildings, especially the effects of “The Great Fire of 1973”,
(“an anecdote I had heard my father mention”). Pictures of past headmasters and old plans of classrooms would also be of particular interest.
Anything from the evolution of the school buildings to the different subjects taught at different times would be of great benefit to the new editions, as I’m looking forward to writing articles about the history of my school!
Please do let us know, in the comments below or by email, if you can help.
Re the Great Fire of ’73, I remember the whole school was interviewed and for some reason we were all asked our nick names. Mine was Bendy, but apparently I was in the clear! Gary Bentham. 1971-78.
Were the perpetrators brought to justice?
No, Ian, no-one was ever arrested in connection with the fire. In fact for those of us that were there at the time it is a subject which invariably crops up when meeting up with old school-mates and I’ve heard loads of theories down the years about what happened or ‘whodunnit’. All I really know is that I was in the 5th year at the time and it disrupted our ‘O’ Levels to no end.
That’s interesting Gary as I heard the same from a friend of mine who would have been in your year, although he didn’t mention the nick-name thing. The whole school wasn’t interviewed, though. I was in the 5th Form and we were never interviewed nor where the 6th Form which is quite extraordinary looking back on it. What doesn’t appear ever get a mention is that a Southern Electricity Board van was ‘torched’ in the copse below the Senior Playground around the same time and the week before the fire, the School was broken into and the upstairs fire hoses were unrolled and turned on causing a flood. As I remember it the junior forms were upstairs back then so perhaps the Police connected the two incidents. Who knows? 🙂
If you’re interested in a really old document for the new Bournemouthian, I have a photo of the Fourth Form (24 boys plus master) from November 1915, which I either found in an antiques flea market or on eBay years ago. It was sent by one of the boys, Claude Ensor, who is marked with the a cross, to his parents at Christmas 1915. I’ve scanned it, but it does not want to be copied into this box. I’ll try to send it by regular email.
Hello Geoffrey. That sounds very intriguing! Thank you for taking the time to scan it in. If you could send to [email protected], I shall endeavour to feature it in this half term’s edition.
I had the great pleasure of attending the school from 1952-1957. I began in 1D and remained in the D class or stream until I left. I attribute this to the fact that I was far more interested in sport, and football in particular, and even though I had passed the 11+ examination, in truth I should probably have gone to Porchester Road, the alternative to BSB. However I made lots of good friends at BSB. My teachers were Messrs.’ Dodds, Murray, Watts, Arrowsmith, Lenton, Roberts, Sefton, Williams, Wiseman and James. All excellent and dedicated men. I would be more than happy to expand on the above if it is of interest to you.