Obituary: Roy Lenton

As some of you may have seen from the Echo, Roy Lenton has passed away. He was a history teacher at BS for many years. Although he never taught me I recall him with affection as I’m certain many others will and he was always a great supporter of the Old Boys attending many a dinner. For many years he ran the school football 1st XI and in his latter years at BS he was a point of contact for old boys at the school and contributed news of old boys to the magazine.

His daughter Heather Maidment has been in touch and has asked us to pass on the details for the funeral to the OB membership as any who wish to attend would be very welcome.

The funeral will be at St Paul’s Church, Landford Way, Throop, BH8 0NY at 2.45pm on Tuesday 5th March 2013.

6 thoughts on “Obituary: Roy Lenton

  1. Sorry to read of the death of Roy who taught our son at BS and was our next door neighbour for many years. Please pass on our condolences to Heather. Remembered with affection.
    Colin and Lisa Johnson
    Normandy, France.

  2. Saddened to learn of the passing of Roy Lenton.He taught me right from my start at Bournemouth School in 1952, and we kept ‘in touch’ until only a few years ago.So used to seeing him at the Dinner. He was a loyal customer of mine at our shoe store in Winton until we closed finally in 1985. His dear wife Sylvia taught my daughter at BSG. I remember him telling me about his exploits as Goalie for a famous Uni soccer team Pegasus way back in the post war years.
    with affection and respect

    Jim Tarrant

    • This is indeed a `double!!!”. Firstly to comment on learning, albeit very belatedly, of the death of Mr Lenton who taught me from about 1952-57. A very kindly and caring man who was usually known as `Raleigh’ in deference to the Raleigh Lenton bicycles!!!!!!!! His interest in football was also one of the strong reasons I enjoyed his company. The second part of the double is to mae contact again with jim Tarrant, who I hope may possibly remember me (and always my mother) visiting his father Alan’s shop for our shoes in Wimborne Road, Winton. I have lived in Australia since 1975 but would really love to make contact with anyone who may have nown me from my above time at East Way. George Eldridge email: [email protected]

      • Hello George. I just posted a few remarks on the OBA ‘site’ concerning the passing of John Hawkins earlier this month and an entry from you concerning Roy Lenton died in 2013. It was good to hear from you and that you remember my dad and our shop. I recall my father also knew your dad in the 50’s. Hope to hear from you soon.

  3. I have only recently heard the sad news of Roy’s death and as well as through the School I knew him as a leader at Strouden Park Chapel. I also had the privilege of playing football with him for the church in the Bournemouth Churches league late 50’s and early 60’s. Quite difficult calling him “Sir” at school and “Roy” on the field. I also had the dubious honour of scoring against him, an unfortunate deflection off my foot, which left him going the wrong way as the ball entered the goal.
    I was useless at History which he gracefully acknowledged that I could not get on with in the same way as he found Maths difficult.
    Peter Green

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